Proscenic is up to something again? This time, they teamed up with OFO for a weekend cycling event in Shenzhen

Introduction:PConline News】Friends who follow robotic vacuum cleaner brands may know that Proscenic's marketing has been quite creative in the past six months, with micro-movies and collaboration with Transformers. This Saturday (August 5th), they are up to something again.

This time, Proscenic collaborated with OFO bike sharing in Shenzhen to launch an offline group cycling activity. In addition to brand promotion, the event also advocates for green travel and environmental protection. As a manufacturer of sweeping robots, Proscenic has always been committed to making people's living environment cleaner and tidier, which fits well with the concept of green cycling.

It is understood that participants in this event will have the chance to win one of only five customized Proscenic 790T Transformers sweeping robots. In addition, there are opportunities to receive purchase vouchers from the official Tmall Proscenic flagship store and other small gifts.

If you are in Shenzhen and interested in cycling activities, why not sign up for this green and environmentally friendly event?